Psyche Revived is Julie Webb’s forthcoming debut studio album— a collection of new songs that paint a luminous self-portrait and invite the listener into her labyrinthine world of dreams. From psychedelic tapestries of roots rock, to stripped bare shadow-work bleeding from her guitar, Webb harnesses her remarkable artistry to tell the story of her own psyche revived. Poignant and supernatural, her musical prowess is a landscape that transcends dimensionality. With poetry both harrowing and jubilant, her songs are crafted from personal experience, while her clever use of archetypes, mythology, and philosophy riddle her writing with a primordial knowing. Listening to Psyche Revived will have you setting sail on your own voyage of the hero.

Deep Cuts

Deep Cuts is the first single from Julie Webb’s forthcoming debut album, Psyche Revived. It is a story about a woman who is madly in love with her favorite rock star, addicted to the dream of him— an unrealizable fantasy. Day and night she pines for someone unattainable, but her deeper self knows her pain is in her hands, “I died the day I made your loving stop, so I hit rewind, pressed play, I cried myself to sleep.” She realizes that the rock star she’s been pining for is herself.

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