Grasshoppers: La Bohème, The Contemporary Outlaw

Spanning a decade, her body of work about “fellow dancers in the dressing room” has established Webb’s place in the fine art world. “Grasshoppers” is Webb’s investigation of “the contemporary outlaw, the beautiful bohème— la cigale.” After Corot’s “La Cigale,” “the grasshopper” is a muse who sings and plays all summer long with no worry for winter. Selected as a Finalist in the 14th International ARC Salon Competition in 2019, Webb has blazed a trail all her own— illuminating the humanity, camaraderie, and beauty that exists in dark spaces and in exclusive off-limits places. Webb’s self-portraiture and depictions of intimate moments shared by women, in a marginalized, yet glorified, occupation, transform mundane exchanges into extraordinary experiences.

Deep Cuts — Album Artwork

Cover Art

Current Work

Available Work

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Past Work

Ventnor Square Theatre — Nucky’s Kitchen and Speakeasy
